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Reinvented Relief

Bath Tea Soaks

Bath Tea Soaks

Regular price $5.00
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     Nothing beats a nice, warm bath after a hard days work! If you're looking to ramp up the quality and feeling of your baths, then our new bath soaks are perfect for you! With our five different options, all with different effects, you can mix and match and make your baths absolutely perfect! All you need to do is dump the contents of your bath soak into the water, add yourself, and enjoy blissful relaxation!

Browse our different soaks and explore their unique benefits!


Cycle Ease- This soak contains herbs such as Cramp Bark, Chaste Tree Berries, Magnesium Chloride, and other ingredients used to target menstrual cycle problems and pain. It can also stimulate progesterone in females and help normalize the levels of estrogen in the body. With this combination of relaxing and soothing herbs, this mixture is the perfect solution if you're in pain and just need to sit and soak until you feel better!

So Spoiled- Spoil yourself with this extremely pleasant aroma of cinnamon sticks, and orange and vanilla essential oils. We mix in coconut flakes, almond oil, and magnesium to give you a silky soft feeling on your skin, and replenish the levels of magnesium in your body. Deficiencies in magnesium can lead to some nasty and unpleasant symptoms, and this soak will help you get yourself back on track, while also covering you in a scent that will make you feel spoiled!

Bath Advil- This bath soak is the ultimate topical painkiller, with Peppermint Leaves, Arnica Flowers, and Magnesium! If you need some relief from bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wounds, joint pain, insect bites, and swelling, then draw yourself a bath with our Bath Advil! Watch as your body soaks up these lovely herbs and you're left with a nice, comfy feeling without the usual aches and pains you earn throughout the day!

Baby Butt Soft- If soft skin is something you'd like to pursue, then take a look at our Baby Butt Soft Soak! We use Calendula Blossoms, Rose Petals, Jojoba Oil, and Magnesium to give you the softest skin ever! Your skin will thank you, and others will be left wondering just exactly how you managed to make you skin so soft!!

Heavy Metal/ Parasite Detox- In this modern day and age, if you haven't been actively detoxing yourself from parasites...then guess what? You probably have parasites. With our detox bath soak, you can get rid of those nasty parasites, as well and filtering the harmful heavy metals out of your body. You'll be feeling like a fresh, new version of yourself by the time you're done with your detox, and your body will be thanking you for getting rid of all those nasty little unwanted visitors!

Whichever effect you're looking for in your next bath, make it something your body will love! Do away with those normal, boring evening baths and make it a priority to make "you time" as beneficial to your health as it is to your mind!

INGREDIENTS: Lavender blossoms, Peppermint leaves, Raspberry Leaf, Cramp Bark, Calendula Blossoms, Blue Vervain, Dandelion, Chaste Tree Berries, Rose Petals, Castor Oil, Magnesium Chloride, Cinnamon Sticks, Orange Peels, Vanilla Bean Powder, Coconut Flakes, Peppermint Leaves, Arnica Flowers, Baking Soda, Bentonite Clay, Black Gold, Borax, Activated Charcoal

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Cautions: Consult with your healthcare provider prior to use if you are pregnant or have other health conditions


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